Publications by Dr. Gisela Hürlimann



  1. Hürlimann, Gisela, "The railroad of the future". Automatisierung, Schnellverkehr und Modernisierung bei den SBB 1955-2005, Zurich: Chronos 2007.

  2. Meier, Marietta, Gisela Hürlimann, Brigitta Bernet, Zwangsmassnahmen in der Zürcher Psychiatrie 1870 - 1970. Report commissioned by the Health Department of the Canton of Zurich, Zurich 2003. (Awarded the 2004 Promotion Prize of the German Society for the History of Medicine, Natural Science and Technology DGGMNT).



(Co-)edited volumes

  1. Flores, Juan, Gisela Hürlimann, Luigi Lorenzetti, Hans-Ulrich Schiedt (eds.), Numbers and Texts. The Place of Quantitative Approaches in Economic and Social History (Swiss Yearbook of Economic and Social History, vol. 33), Zurich: Chronos 2019.

  2. Huerlimann, Gisela, W. Elliot Brownlee, Eisaku Ide (eds.), Worlds of Taxation. The Political Economy of Taxing, Spending, and Redistribution since 1945, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2018.

  3. Hebeisen, Erika, Gisela Hürlimann, Regula Schmid (eds.), Reforms Beyond Revolt. Zürich in den langen Sechzigerjahren, Zurich: Chronos-Verlag 2018 (published Jan. 2, 2018 as Neujahrsblatt 85 of the Antiquarian Society of Zurich).

  4. Asmussen, Tina, Pierre Eichenberger, Gisela Hürlimann, Michael Jucker, Hans-Ulrich Schiedt (eds.), Alles wird teurer! Usury! Bread! / Les prix s'envolent! C'est du vol! Du pain!, traverse- Zeitschrift für Geschichte / revue d'histoire, 3/2017.

  5. Hürlimann, Gisela, André Mach, Anja Rathmann-Lutz, Janick Marina Schaufelbuehl (eds.), Lobbying - die Vorräume der Macht / Lobbying - les antichambres du pouvoir, Zurich: Chronos 2016.

  6. Behr, Andreas, Gisela Hürlimann, Sonja Matter and Malik Mazbouri (eds.), 'Umverteilen / redistribuer', traverse- Zeitschrift für Geschichte / revue d'histoire, 1/2015.

  7. Droux, Joëlle, Gisela Hürlimann et Matthieu Leimgruber (éds.), Chantiers transnationaux de la paix sociale en Europe / Social peace - transnational construction sites, traverse - Zeitschrift für Geschichte / revue d'histoire, 2/2013.

  8. Hürlimann Gisela, Jakob Tanner (eds.), Taxing and redistributing. Efficiency versus justice? Zurich: vdf-Verlag 2012.

  9. Ischer, Philipp, Gisela Hürlimann (eds.), Innovation Processes and Institutional Change in Public Enterprises since the 1970s: Examples from Germany, Austria and Switzerland. ZögU (Journal of Public and Nonprofit Enterprises), Vol. 34, 2/2011.

  10. Bott, Sandra, Gisela Hürlimann, Malik Mazbouri, Hans-Ulrich Schiedt (eds.), Wirtschaftsgeschichte in der Schweiz: eine historiographische Skizze / L'histoire économique en Suisse: une esquisse historiographique, traverse - Zeitschrift für Geschichte / revue d'histoire 1/2010.

  11. Gesellschaft der Ingenieure des öffentlichen Verkehrs (ed.), '(K)ein Wunder, dass es uns noch gibt'. 100 Jahre Gesellschaft der Ingenieure des öffentlichen Verkehrs 1910-2010, (IVT Schriftenreihe 149), Zurich: ETH Zurich 2010. (Coordination and editing: Gisela Hürlimann).

  12. Hürlimann, Gisela, Frédéric Joye-Cagnard, Daniela Zetti (eds.), Gesteuerte Gesellschaft. Logistik, Automatisierung und Computer in der Nachkriegszeit / Orienter la sociét. Logistique, automation et ordinateur dans l'après-guerre, traverse - Zeitschrift für Geschichte /revue d'histoire, 3/2009.



Journal article

  1. No Moral Issues Whatsoever? The Global Economy and the Entangled Worlds of Swiss Taxation (accepted manuscript for a special issue Journal of Global History on "Ruptures, Consolidations, Continuities: Reconsidering Global Economic Processes after 1945", edited by Patrick Neveling and Robert Heinze, to be published in 2019), (peer reviewed).

  2. Market Justice and Tax (In)Justice. International Ideas of Order and the Swiss Tax Worlds, in Günther Schulz (ed.): Order and Chaos - Trends and Breaches, (VSWG-Beihefte), Stuttgart 2019, pp. 187-204 (peer reviewed).

  3. The political economy of tax justice. Discourses on taxation, distribution and justice since the 1960s, in Mittelweg 36, Journal of the Hamburg Institute for Social Research, 27: 1 (February/March 2018), pp. 77-101.

  4. Swiss Tax World(s) - Federal Tax Policy in the Context of Federalism, Equity and Distribution Issues, in: Archiv für Schweizerisches Abgaberecht, 84:1-2 (2015/2016), pp. 29-48.

  5. Editorial: Some basic reflections on (re)distribution, in: traverse, 1/2015, pp. 15-34.

  6. Modernized but still integrated: The Swiss Federal Railways on the path towards the future (1950s to 2000). Translated by Ayumu Banzawa into Japanese with the title: Gendai-ka Saretsutsu Togo wo Tamotte - Mirai wo Mezasu Suisu-Kokutetsu. In: TETSUDO SHIGAKU (Japan Railway History Review), No. 31, October 2013,
    S. 33-40.

  7. Between Public Economy and Market Orientation - Swiss Federal Railways (SBB) and its Culture of Innovation since the 1960s., in Philipp Ischer, Gisela Hürlimann (eds.), Innovation Processes and Institutional Change in Public Enterprises since the 1970s: Examples from Germany, Austria and Switzerland, (ZögU - Zeitschrift für öffentliche und gemeinwirtschaftliche Unternehmen, 34: 2 (2011)), pp. 251-267.

  8. Public finance and budget cultures in transition, in: traverse, 1/2010, pp. 229-252 (peer reviewed).

  9. 'Inherently Born to Automation: Cybernetics Discourse and Railway Automation Projects in the 1960s and 70s, in: traverse, 3/2009, pp. 103-119 (peer reviewed).

  10. '...the most automatic system of the future': Swiss Federal Railways and automation, 1960-2000, in: Swiss Journal of History, 56:1 (2006), pp. 76-85 (peer reviewed).

  11. Innovation Processes and Institutional Change in Swiss Public Enterprises: the Example of the PTT and the SBB (1970-2000), in: Accumulation - Information of the Working Group for Historical Business and Industrial History, 18/2003, pp. 20-30. (With Philipp Ischer).

  12. Special Case or Extreme Case? Further Reflections on the Debate about the Location of the 'Hilfswerk für die Kinder der Landstrasse' in the Field of Welfare Policy, in: traverse, 2/2002, pp. 119-130.




Book chapters

  1. A Fair Case for Tax Relief: Swiss Tax Policy, 1940s to 1980s, in: Huerlimann, Gisela, W. Elliot Brownlee, Eisaku Ide (eds.), Worlds of Taxation. The Political Economy of Taxing, Spending, and Redistribution since 1945, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2018, pp. 269-300. (Together with the introduction pp. 1-16).

  2. Swiss World(s) of Taxation since the 1970s, in Marc Buggeln, Martin Daunton, Alexander Nützenadel (eds.), The Political Economy of Public Finance: Questioning the Leviathan, Cambridge (UK): Cambridge University Press 2017, pp. 83-104 (peer reviewed). A paperback edition has been announced for spring 2019.

  3. The Modern Social and Federal Contract. Tax Policy in the Context of Socioeconomic Change and Federalist Statehood, in Lucien Criblez, Christina Rothen, Thomas Ruoss (eds.), Statehood in Switzerland. Regieren und verwalten vor der neoliberalen Wende, Zurich: Chronos 2016, pp. 85-114 (peer reviewed).

  4. The Tax Expert, in Alban Frei, Hannes Mangold (eds.), Personal der Postmoderne. Eine Inventur, Berlin: transcript 2015, pp. 151-168.

  5. Steuern, in Monika Dommann, Christof Dejung, Daniel Speich Chassée (eds.), In Search of the Economy, Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck 2014, pp. 287-314 (peer reviewed).

  6. "Miracles are not to be expected" - or are they? Umbrüche, Krisen und Krisenmanagement bei den SBB, 1965 bis 1985, in: Margrit Müller, Laurent Tissot (eds.), Unternehmen in der Wirtschaftskrise des 20. Jahrhunderts / Les entreprises dans les crises économiques du 20ème siècle, Neuchâtel: Alphil 2014, pp. 241-267 (peer reviewed).

  7. Strukturen und Konjunkturen - ein Überblick, in: Staatsarchiv des Kantons Luzern (ed.), Der Kanton Luzern im 20. Jahrhundert, vol. 1, Zurich: Chronos 2013, pp. 285-297.

  8. Profitable and just? Taxes and Redistribution in Postwar Boom, 1970s Crisis, and Beyond, in Gisela Hürlimann, Jakob Tanner (eds.), Taxing and Redistributing. Efficiency versus equity? Zurich 2012: vdf-Verlag, pp. 55-81.

  9. From Immigration Country to Transcultural Switzerland, in Mustafa Ideli, Virginia Suter Reich, Hans-Lukas Kieser (eds.), New Human Landscapes. Migration Turkey - Switzerland 1961-2011, Zurich: Chronos 2011, pp. 359-389. (With Ganga Jey Aratnam, peer reviewed).

  10. Redistribution through taxation? A Contribution to 'Fiscal Welfare' in Switzerland, in Thomas David et al. (eds.), Die Produktion von Ungleichheiten / La production des inégalités, Zurich: Chronos 2010, pp. 205-218. (With Ganga Jey Aratnam, peer reviewed).

  11. The rocky road to interoperable train control (1958-2008). Standardization and Integration in European Railways in the 'Golden Age' and under the Regime of the European Union, in Gerold Ambrosius et al. (eds.), Standardization and Integration of European Transport Infrastructure in Historical Perspective, Baden-Baden: Nomos 2009, pp. 93-114 (peer reviewed).

  12. The Roaring Twenties - Light and Shadow of a Decade (1920-1930: Modern Times), in: Interkantonale Lehrmittelzentrale (ed.), Geschichte der Neuzeit: recherchieren, analysieren, beurteilen. Zurich 2009: Lehrmittelverlag des Kantons Zürichs, pp. 66-67.

  13. Italian immigration and the Überfremdungsbewegung (1960-1970: Gesellschaft im Wandel), in: Interkantonale Lehrmittelzentrale (ed.), Geschichte der Neuzeit: recherchieren, analysieren, beurteilen. Zurich: Lehrmittelverlag des Kantons Zürichs 2009, pp. 88-89.

  14. "Wohin wir blicken Not und Elend ...". (1929-1933: The Great Depression and Politics), in: Interkantonale Lehrmittelzentrale (ed.), Geschichte der Neuzeit: recherchieren, analysieren, beurteilen. Zurich: Lehrmittelverlag des Kantons Zürichs 2009, pp. 180-195.

  1. Continuity in Change. The Common Good as a Central Normative Instance at the SBB and the PTT, in Hans-Jörg Gilomen, Margrit Müller, Laurent Tissot (eds.), Dienstleistungen. Expansion and Transformation of the Third Sector (15th-20th Centuries), Zurich: Chronos 2007, pp. 229-247. (With Philipp Ischer, peer reviewed).

  2. Swiss Transport Policy for Europe (1982-2007), in Via Storia, Kilian T. Elsasser (ed.), The Direct Path to the South. The History of the Gotthard Railway, Zurich: AS-Verlag 2007, pp. 163-186.

  3. 'Wir fahren mit Takt'. The Spinner Club and Takt Timetable Innovation at Swiss Federal Railways (1968-1982), in Hartmut Berghoff, Jürgen Sydow (eds.), Entrepreneurial Networks. A historical organizational form with a future? Stuttgart: Kohlhammer 2007, pp. 233-255 (peer reviewed).

  4. The Aporias of Democracy. Political Participation, Integration and the 'Foreigner Question' 1960 to the Present, in Swiss Federal Archives (ed.), The Invention of Democracy in Switzerland, (Studies and Sources 30), Zurich: Chronos 2004, pp. 109-143. (With Ganga Jey Aratnam).

  5. Between Entrepreneurial Dynamics and Institutional Continuity. The Emergence and Implementation of Marketing in the 1970s and 1980s at Two Swiss Public Enterprises, in Christian Kleinschmidt, Florian Triebel (eds.), Marketing. Historical Aspects of Competition and Sales Policy, Essen: Klartext-Verlag 2004, pp. 159-182. (With Philipp Ischer, peer reviewed).

  6. Open End - Baar and its Spinning. Von der industrialisierten zur postindustriellen Gesellschaft, in: Staatsarchiv des Kt. Zug (ed.), Zug erkunden. Bildessays und historische Beiträge zu 16 Zuger Schauplätzen, (Jubiläumsband Zug 650 Jahre eidgenössisch), Zug, 2002, pp. 208-231.



Reference works

  1. Regiebetriebe, in Stiftung Historisches Lexikon der Schweiz (ed.), Historical Dictionary of Switzerland (HLS), vol. 10 (Pro-Schaf). Basel: Schwabe 2011, pp. 181f. Online: <> (23/12/2011).

  2. Service Public, in: Stiftung Historisches Lexikon der Schweiz (ed.), Historisches Lexikon der Schweiz (HLS), vol. 11 (Schai - Stg), Basel: Schwabe 2012, p. 455. Online: <> (14/06/2011).




  1. Political Arithmetic in Times of Inequality - a review essay: Thomas Piketty, Das Kapital im 21. Jahrhundert, Munich 2014, in: traverse- Zeitschrift für Geschichte 1/2015, pp. 175-183.

  2. Review symposium Piketty "Capital in the 21st Century." Reviewed for H-Soz-Kult, 05.03.2015, published on: <

  3. Stefan Altorfer-Ong: State Building without Taxes. Political Economy in 18th Century Bern, in Swiss Journal of History, 63:2 (2013), pp. 293-296.

  4. Matthieu Leimgruber, Solidarity without the State? Business and the Shaping of the Swiss Welfare State, 1890 - 2000, Cambridge 2008: CUP. Published on: H-Soz-u-Kult, 11.11.2010, <>.

  5. Christopher Kopper: Die Bahn im Wirtschaftswunder, Deutsche Bundesbahn und Verkehrspolitik in der Nachkriegsgesellschaft, Munich: Campus Verlag 2007, in Journal of Corporate History, 1/2009, pp. 117f.

  6. Morten Reitmayer, Ruth Rosenberger (eds.): Unternehmen am Ende des "goldenen Zeitalters". Die 1970er Jahre in unternehmens- und wirtschaftshistorischer Perspektive, Essen 2008: Klartext Verlag, in: Zeitschrift für Unternehmens-geschichte, 2/2009, pp. 240-242.



Publications by Dr. Gisela Hürlimann, available at the KIT Library