Dr. Klaus Eisele

Dr. phil. Klaus Eisele


  • 1.4.1989 - 1992 Staff member at the Institute of History, Dept. II. History of Technology. Establishment and continuation of the library of the newly founded department. Events on various topics in the fields of the history of technology.
  • 1.5.1992 - 30.9.2007 Staff member at the Institute of History, Dept. III. Research Center Resistance to National Socialism in the German Southwest.
  • Development and maintenance of a personal database on the resistance in the German Southwest. Author and editor of publications of the research center. Collaboration in two DFG projects on legal and ecclesiastical contemporary history. Planning and implementation of conferences, seminars and tutorials on various topics of modern and contemporary history.
  • Since 1.10.2007 staff member at the Institute of History.

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