Lecture and discussion: Jesus, Luther, Hitler? About the German Christians in Baden, 1933-45 (Laudenbach)

  • place:

    Martin-Luther-Kirche Laudenbach

  • sws:

    Mittwoch, 9. November 2016

  • Referent:

    Prof. Dr. Rolf-Ulrich Kunze

  • Zeit:

    20.00 Uhr

  • Quelle:

    http://www.miteinanderweb.de/front_content.php?idcat=109&idart=1247 (24.10.2016)

  • Jesus, Luther, Hitler? On the German Christians in Baden, 1933-45.

    "The fact that Reformation theologians constructed a connection between Jesus, Luther and Hitler and saw no contradiction in this to their Christian and Protestant self-understanding is not self-evident, but it is part of the problematic history of German Protestantism in the 20th century. The overview lecture against the background of research on the history of the Baden State Church in the Nazi era takes a look at the preconditions and developments of the Baden German Christians before and after 1933. The focus will be on the contexts of mentalities and self-images that made it plausible for some of the pastors of the regional church in their time to see themselves as evangelical National Socialists. The discussion is also intended to serve the understanding of how we deal with this finding in our regional church and in historical-political education.

    Wednesday, November 9, 2016, Time: 8:00 pm. Place: Martin Luther Church Laudenbach.

    Prof. Dr. Rolf-Ulrich Kunze teaches Modern and Contemporary History at the University Department of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and is a parishioner of the Ev. Christuskirchengemeinde Karlsruhe.

    Einf. Lit.: Rolf-Ulrich Kunze, "Möge Gott unserer Kirche helfen!" Theologiepolitik, 'Kirchenkampf' und Auseinandersetzung mit dem NS-Regime: Die Evang. Landeskirche Badens, 1933-45, W. Kohlhammer, Stuttgart u. a. 2015 (Veröffentlichungen zur badischen Kirchen- und Religionsgeschichte, vol. 6), Kurt Meier, Kreuz und Hakenkreuz. Die evangelische Kirche im Dritten Reich, Munich 1992"