Lecture series "50 Years Limits to Growth"

In WS 2021/22, a lecture series on the topic of "50 Years of Limits to Growth" was held, complemented by an advanced seminar. The program of both the lecture series and the accompanying seminar was independently developed by a student initiative group of advanced EUKLID students and organized in cooperation with the ZAK (Center for Applied Cultural Studies) at KIT.

Prof. Dr. Rolf-Ulrich Kunze (links) bei der Verleihung des Fakultätslehrpreises 2023 der KIT Fakultät für Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften KIT
Rolf-Ulrich Kunze (left) received the Faculty Prize 2023

The Club of Rome report "Limits to growth" from 1972 stands at the beginning of the era of environmental movements and environmental policy. Both parts of the event, on the 50th anniversary of its publication, provided the occasion to have leading experts present current issues of growth, post-growth, sustainability, climate change and energy transition and to discuss them in the main seminar. The lecture series took a particular look at the divergence of discourses and political-economic reality on issues of growth and the environment from an interdisciplinary perspective. The program can be found here: https://www.zak.kit.edu/Grenzendeswachstums.php.

In the meantime, the event has been awarded the Teaching Prize of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences 2022 at KIT.