Publications by Prof. Dr. Kurt Möser

Publications available in the KIT Library: see end of page.

Status end 2022


About mobility. Historical information on techniques, cultures and utopias of locomotion. Münster 2022.


Multimodal Mobility.
In: Traverse 2020/3, pp.62-79.


The "General" as Admiral - Friedrich Engels and the Debates on Naval Warfare and Naval Tactics. Eberhard Illner et al. (eds.), Friedrich Engels - Das rot-schwarze Chamäleon. Darmstadt 2020, pp. 146-187.

120 years of traffic monitoring and speed limits.
In: PTB Mitteilungen 129 (2019), H. 2, pp. 11-18.


Early electromobility on the road. Culture and technology.
Theo Horstmann/Peter Döring (eds.), Zeiten der Elektromobilität. Beiträge zur Geschichte des elektrischen Automobils (Vol. 27, Geschichte der Elektrotechnik ), Beiträge der Tagung VDEAusschusses "Geschichte der Elektrotechnik" in Kooperation mit dem VDE Rhein-Ruhr e. V. vom 7. und 8. Oktober 2010 in Dortmund, Berlin/Offenbach 2018, pp. 19-38.


New gray areas in the history of technology.
Karlsruhe 2018 (= Karlsruhe Studies in the History of Technology).


Remarks on the History of Technology of Imaginary Things.
Institute for Technology Futures, Discussion Paper No. 6. Karlsruhe 2018.

Technikfaszination und Technikkommunikation.

Böhn, Andreas / Metzner-Szigeth, Andreas (eds.), Wissenschaftskommunikation, Utopien und Technikzukünfte. Karlsruhe 2018, pp. 183-200 (= Karlsruhe Studies on Technology and Culture 9).


Physical Fitness, the Military and the University - the Case of Wilhelm Paulcke, 1880s - 1930s.

In: The Internationall Journal of the History of Sport 33 (2016), pp. 1626-1639 (with Swantje Scharenberg and Klaus Nippert).



Stiftung Haus der Geschichte der Bundesrepublik Deutschland (ed.), Beloved. Used. Hated. Germans and their cars. Dresden 2017, pp.136-149.


Technology without Borders - Vehicle Utopias around 1900.

Eberhard Illner / Matthias Winzen (eds.), Technical Paradises. The Future in 19th Century Caricature. Jahrhunderts. Exhibition catalog Baden-Baden 2016, pp. 233-246.


“A Logistican´s Dream”? Logistik der Westfront im Ersten Weltkrieg.

In: Ferrum 88/2016, S. 48-59.


Junkers und Fokker – Technologien und Innovationen der Luftfahrtmoderne.

Perren, Claudia u.a., hg. für die Stiftung Bauhaus Dessau, Große Pläne! Moderne Typen, Fantasten und Erfinder. Bielefeld / Berlin 2016, S. 118-141.


Junkers and Fokker – Technologies and Innovations in the Modern Age of Aviation.

Perren, Claudia et al. (ed.), Big Plans! Modern Figures, Visionaries, and Inventors. Bielefeld / Berlin 2016, p. 118-142.


“A man a-riding upon nawthin´”. Light Structures and New Mobility Cultures around 1900.

Hildebrand, Sonja / Bergmann, Elisabeth (Hg.), Form-Finding, Form-Shaping, Designing Architecture. Mendrisio 2015, S. 17-31.


Four Technical Artifacts of the Great War.

Gerrit Dworok / Frank Jacob (Hg.), The Means to Kill. Essays on the Interdependence of War and Technology from Ancient Rome to the Age of Drones. Jefferson, N.C. 2016, S. 111-125.

Gothic Machines and Knights of the Skies. The Middle Ages as a Code of Technical Culture around 1900

Herweg,Mathias / Keppler-Tasaki, Stefan (Eds.), The Middle Ages of Historicism. Forms and Functions in Literature and Art, Film and Technology. Würzburg 2015, pp. 251-273.


Electric Airships.

Reiner Korthauer (ed.), Handbuch Elektromobilität 2015. Frankfurt / M. et al. 2015, pp. 28-40.


Transport, traffic or mobility history? New paradigms of technological and industrial culture.

Keazor, Henry / Schmitt, Dominik / Peiler,Nils Daniel (Eds.), Ingenious Scrap. Interdisciplinary Studies on Industrial Culture. Saarbrücken 2014, pp. 61-82.



Spatial policy of the British Empire in the interwar period and the role of aviation.

WIKA-Report (Wissenschaftlicher Initiativkreis Kultur und Außenpolitik) 2/2014, pp. 70-80.

Long operating life of automobiles: Controversial cultures of resource conservation.

Gleitsmann-Topp,Rolf-Jürgen / Wittmann,Jürgen E. (Eds.) Automotive sustainability and resource efficiency. Yesterday - today - tomorrow. Stuttgart 2014, pp. 117-128 (Scientific publication series of the Mercedes Benz Classic Archive Vol. 17).


Fascination by historic automobiles.

In: Awake Kissed. From the Collection of the Southwest German Art Foundation and the Collection Schlumpf. Exhibition catalog Singen/Hohentwiel 2013, pp. 130-135.


Grenzerfahrungen. Mobility enthusiasm for cars, airplanes, and boats in the early 20th century.

Möser,Kurt / Popplow,Marcus / Uhl,Elke (Eds.), Auto. Culture. History. Stuttgart 2013, pp. 19-32 (=IZKT Materialien 11).

Cultures of Innovation around the Automobile?

Gleitsmann, Rolf-Jürgen / Wittmann, Jürgen E., (eds.) Innovation Cultures around the Automobile. From yesterday to tomorrow. Stuttgart 2012, pp. 25-50 (Scientific publication series of the Mercedes Benz Classic - Archives Vol. 16).


Theses on maintenance and repair in automobile cultures using the example of the GDR.

In: History of Technology 79 (2012), pp. 207-226.


Technical wars of the future before the Great War.

Finkele,Simone / Krause,Burkhardt (Eds.), Technikfiktionen und Technikdiskurse. Ringvorlesung des Instituts für Literaturwissenschaft im Sommersemester 2009. Karlsruhe 2012, pp. 209-244 (= Karlsruher Studien Technik und Kultur 4).

Carl Benz and the Invention of the Automobile - Contexts and Myths.

In: Archive and Economy 45 (2012), pp. 11-22.


Gray Areas in the History of Technology.

Karlsruhe 2011 (Discourses on Technology. Karlsruhe Studies in the History of Technology 6).

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Autobasteln - Modifying, Maintaining and Repairing Private Cars in the GDR, 1970-1990.

Siegelbaum,Lewis H. (Ed.), The Socialist Car. Automobility in the Eastern Bloc. Ithaca / London 2011, pp. 157-169.


Historical outline of electric mobility.

Korthauer, Reiner (ed.), Handbuch Elektromobilität. Frankfurt/M. / Essen, 2nd edition 2011, pp. 15-36.


Fortdauer und Wiederkehr des Alten in der Technik.

Böhn, Andreas / Möser, Kurt (eds.), Techniknostalgie und Retrotechnologie. Karlsruhe 2010 (= Karlsruhe Studies Technology and Culture 2), pp. 17-39.


Techniknostalgie und Retrotechnologie. Karlsruhe 2010 (= Karlsruhe Studies Technology and Culture 2) (editor; with Andreas Böhn).


Schlachtflieger 1918 - a technical weapon system in context.

In: History of Technology 77 (2010), H.3, pp. 185-230.


Driving and Flying in Peace and War. Cultures of individual mobility machines 1880 - 1930.

Heidelberg u.a. 2009 (= Technik und Arbeit 13) (also Habilitationsschrift; Karlsruhe 2008).


Parking between the desire for competence and the pressure to automate.

In: Traverse 2009/1, pp. 32-36.


Three Social Constructions of Historic Mobility.

In: Teorie Vedy / Theory of Science. Journal for theory of Science, Technology and Communication 31 (2009), H. ¾, S. 199-216.


Motorization of German Societies in East and West.

Kuhr-Korolev, Corinna / Schlinkert, Dirk (Hg.), Towards Mobility. Varieties of Automobilism in East and West. Wolfsburg 2009 (= Schriften zur Unternehmensgeschichte von Volkswagen Bd. 3).


What does the speed limit actually do?

Masius, Patrick et al. (eds.), Environmental History and Environmental Futures. On the social relevance of a young discipline. Göttingen 2009, pp. 229-239.


Stable and unstable machines - flying, driving and balance 1910 - 1918.

Schönhammer, Rainer (ed.), Körper, Dinge und Bewegung. The sense of balance in material culture and aesthetics. Vienna 2009, pp. 109-122.


Historical futures of transport.

Roth, Ralf / Schlögel, Karl (eds.), New Paths to a New Europe. History and transport in the 20th century. Frankfurt/M. / New York 2009, pp. 391-414.


Fliegerblick 1914.

Journal of New Frontiers in Spatial Concepts 1 (2009), pp. 99-106.

Principles of the history of transportation.

Sieferle, Rolf Peter, Transportgeschichte. Berlin 2008, pp. 39-78 (= Der Europäische Sonderweg 1).


Automobile futures after 1950.

Canzler, Weert / Schmidt, Gert (eds.), Zukünfte des Automobils. Prospects and limits of automotive globalization. Berlin 2008, pp. 59-72.


Der Stau - Zur Geschichte der Überfüllung des Verkehrsystems.

Meyer, Torsten / Popplow, Marcus (eds.), Technology, Work and Environment in History. Günter Bayerl on the occasion of his 60th birthday. Münster et al. 2006, pp. 281-296.


Transport and the Desire for Movement. The functions of road mobility today.

Robertson-v.Trotha, Caroline, (ed.), Mobility in the globalized world. Karlsruhe 2005, pp. 29-44.


Automobile and Body.

Schmidt, Gert / Bungsche, Holger / Heyder, Thilo / Klemm, Matthias (eds.), Und es fährt und fährt... Automobilindustrie und Automobilkultur am Beginn des 21. Jahrhunderts. Berlin 2005, pp. 285-296.


"The struggle of the motorist with his machine" - a sketch of the mediation of car technology and learning to drive in the 20th century.

In: Bluma, Lars / Pichol, Karl, Weber, Wolfhard (eds.), Technikvermittlung und Technikpopularisierung - Historische und didaktische Perspektiven. Münster et al. 2004, pp. 98-102.


Transport and Mobility Lust. Driving in the past and the future.

Zanger, Cornelia / Habscheid, Stephan / Gaus, Hansjörg (eds.), Bleibt das Auto mobil. Mobility and the Automobile in Interdisciplinary Discourse. Frankfurt / M. u.a. 2004, pp. 57-71.

Principles of Transport History.

Sieferle, Rolf Peter / Breuninger, Helga (eds.), Transport History in International Comparison. Europe - China - Middle East. Stuttgart 2004, pp. 45-86 (= Der Europäische Sonderweg Vol. 12).


The Driver in the Machine: Changing Interiors of the Car

Trischler, Helmuth / Zeilinger, Stefan (Hg.), Tackling Transport. London 2003, S. 61-80.


The Dark Side of Early `Automobilism`, 1900 – 1930: Violence, War and the Motor Car.

In: Journal of Transport History 24/2 (2003), S. 238-258.

History of the Car.

Frankfurt / M. / New York 2002.


Lili, Flutsch and Teufelskäfer. The lesser-known development work of Felix Wankel in Heidelberg 1915-31.

Blum, Peter (ed.), Pioniere aus Wirtschaft und Technik in Heidelberg. Aachen 2000, pp. 42-53.


"Science understanding" and natural sciences in the Museum of Technology: Four widespread illusions.

In: The State Museum at the Turn of the Century. Staff of the Landesmuseum Mannheim reflect on the present and future of industrial history museums. LTA Research 35/2000, pp. 38-48.

Amphibians, Landships, Flying Cars - Utopian Vehicles at the Turn of the Century and the Enforcement of the Gasoline Automobile.

In: Yearbook of Economic History 1999, pp. 63-84.


Benz, Daimler, Maybach and the Road Transport System. Utopias and Reality of the Automobile Society.

Mannheim 1999 (=LTA Research, H.27).


Between system opposition and system participation: safety and risk in motorized road traffic 1890-1930.

Niemann, Harry / Herrmann, Armin (eds.), Geschichte der Straßenverkehrssicherheit im Wechselspiel zwischen Fahrzeug, Fahrbahn und Mensch. Bielefeld 1999, pp. 159-168 (=DaimlerChrysler Wissenschaftliche Schriftenreihe Bd.1).

Car designers and car users in conflict: the case of the spoiler.

Schmidt, Gert (ed.), Jahrbuch Technik und Gesellschaft. Frankfurt/M. New York 1999, pp. 219-236.


World War One and the Creation of Desire for Cars in Germany.

In: Strasser, Susan, McGovern, Charles, Judt, Matthias (eds.), Getting and Spending. European and American Consumer Societies in the Twentieth Century. Washington, D.C. (Cambridge University Press) 1998, pp. 195-222.


"Bang on Motor" - The Love Affair of Artists and Poets with Motor Vehicles 1900 - 1930.

In: Mannheim's Motorcycle Champion. Franz Islinger wins the German Motorcycle Championship 1926. Exhibition catalog Mannheim 1996, pp.18-29.

The Decade of Provocations. Literature in the Weimar Republic.

In: Tanz auf dem Vulkan: Die Goldenen 20er in Bilden, Szenen und Objekten - Literatur und Buchkultur. Exhibition catalog Mannheim 1994, pp. 2-18.


Between Enthusiasm and Denial. On the treatment of technology and industry in German literature.

Mannheim 1994 (= LTA Research, H.14).


Depth Experience. On the history of diving technology.

In: History of Technology 59 (1992), pp. 193-216.

Museum objects on underwater work: On the relevance of a secondary area of maritime culture.

Industriekultur und Arbeitswelt an der Wasserkante: Zum Umgang mit Zeugnissen der Hafen- und Schiffahrtsgeschichte. Hamburg 1992, pp. 162-166.


Mass transportation and vintage culture.

H. Pohl (ed.), Traditionspflege in der Automobilindustrie. Stuttgarter Tage zur Automobil- und Unternehmensgeschichte, April 9-11, 1991. Stuttgart 1991, pp.110-117.


Military History and Technology in the Museum of Technology.

In: Kritische Berichte 15, H. 3/4 (1987), pp. 66-75.

War History and War Literature. Forms of Processing the First World War.

In: Militärgeschichtliche Mitteilungen 39 (1986), H. 2, pp. 39-51.


"Poetry and Technology. Zur Theorie und Praxis der Technikthematisierung bei Max Eyth.

In: History of Technology 52 (1985), pp. 313-330.


Max Eyth's Technikthematisierung in the Context of the Technology Debate.

In: Anstösse 32, H. 3 (1985), pp. 102-113.


Literature and the "Great Abstraction". Art Theories, Poetics, and "Abstract Poetry" in `Sturm' 1910-1930.

Erlangen 1983 (= Erlanger Studien vol. 46).


Edgar Allan Poe.

Salzburg 1980 (=The Great Classics vol. 20).

Publications by Prof. Dr. Kurt Möser available at the KIT Library

  • Conference Papers
    Massenverkehr und Oldtimerkultur
    Möser, K.
    1991. Traditionspflege in der Automobilindustrie : Stuttgarter Tage zur Automobil- und Unternehmensgeschichte vom 8. bis 11. April 1991; eine Veranstaltung des Mercedes-Benz-Museums, Stuttgart - Archiv. Hrsg.: H. Pohl, 110–117, Franz Steiner Verlag