![Nicole Hesse, Porträt](/img/2023-Foto_Nicole%20Hesse_rdax_230x215s.jpg)
Dr. phil. Nicole Hesse
- Historian
- office hours: Please make an appointment by E-mail.
- room: Building 20.53, 3rd floor, room 205
- phone: +49 721 608-45498
- nicole hesse ∂does-not-exist.kit edu
Neuer Zirkel 3
D-76131 Karlsruhe
- History of energy, focus on renewable energies
- Cultural history of technology
- History of the environment and science
- Historical knowledge in current debates
Publications (selection)
Wind Power and Rural Modernization: Wind-powered Water Supply Systems in Northern Germany and Southern France, 1880-1950. in: History & Technology 37 (2022), DOI: 10.1080/07341512.2022.2033388
Visible Winds: The Production of new Visibility Regimes of Wind Energy in West Germany, 1973-1991. In: Centaurus. An International Journal of the History of Science and its Cultural Aspects 63 (3/2021). https://doi.org/10.1111/1600-0498.12420
(with Julia Erdogan u. Julia Zons) And it zoomed. Digital teaching from a techno-historical perspective. In: Contemporary History Online (2021), https://zeitgeschichte-online.de/themen/und-es-hat-zoom-gemacht
(with Julia Zons) Techno-Nature. Hybrid constellations of nature staging. In: Trajectoires (2019), URL : https://journals.openedition.org/trajectoires/2889
Windwerkerei. Practices of wind energy use in the early German environmental movement. In: History of Technology 83 (2/2016), pp. 125-150.
Lectures (selection)
"Transformative Power?" Wind Energy and the Environmental Movement in Germany - Workshop Transformative Technologies (BMBF), Deutsches Museum Munich.
"Symbolic Visibility" Wind Turbines' Change of Meaning since the Early Environmental Movement - Workshop Latent, Present Energy, University of Bern/Zurich.
"Grids of Knowledge" Wind Energy Usage in Southern France 1880-1940 - Annual Meeting, Society for the History of Technology, St. Louis
"Under Pressure" Low-Tech Wind Energy Landscapes in Times of Energy Transitions, 1880-1940 - Conference How new are the Renewables? Rachel Carson Center, Deutsches Museum, University of Innsbruck
Studies of History and German Language and Literature at the Technical University Darmstadt
2001-2004 Student assistant (general history, history of technology)
2004-2005 Student exhibition project "St. Stephan's Displaced Persons Settlement
2007 Graduation as Magistra Artium
2007-2013 Project assistant and project management "Sprachförderung für Kinder mit Migrationshintergrund" (language support for children with migration background)
2013-2016 Scholarship holder of the interdisciplinary DFG Research Training Group GRK (1343) "Topology of Technology".
2015 Research stay in Montpellier/France
2016-2022 Research assistant University of Stuttgart, Institute of History, Dept. History of the Impact of Technology
2016-2022 Editor of the journal TECHNIKGESCHICHTE
Since 04/2022 Research associate at the Institute for Technology Futures of the KIT
On the web
Autoren-ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1598-188X
Society for the History of Technology (GTG)
AK Technology & Environment of the GTG
Society for the History of Science, Medicine and Technology (GWMT)
Society for the History of Technology (SHOT)