Apéro: When does a democracy fail?

  • chair:

    Apréro: Wann scheitert eine Demokratie? Vortrag und Diskussion

  • place:

    Ev. Christuskirche Karlsruhe, Andachtsraum

  • sws:

    So. 05.04.2020

  • Referent:

    Prof. Dr. Rolf-Ulrich Kunze

  • Zeit:


  • Quelle:


  • When does a democracy fail?

    In 2019, the founding of the Weimar Republic was commemorated 100 years ago. At the turn of the year 2019/20, the 1920s were a topic often taken up. Inextricably linked to this is the question of the trauma of Germany's loss of democracy in 1933, the emergence of Hitler's rule, and the enabling of its civilizational collapse. In view of our current threats to democracy through right-wing populism, nationalism and racism, the lecture attempts to develop historical benchmarks for the political reality of democracies, for their success and failure. This should enable a discussion of how the Weimar Republic and the Berlin Republic are comparable and how they are not.

    Literature: Rolf-Ulrich Kunze, Reflexionen zur Zeitgeschichte. Essays, published by Kohlhammer, Stuttgart 2020