3rd INSIST Young Scientists Conference: Of People and Machines. Interdisciplinary Perspectives on the Relationship between Society and Technology in the Past, Present and Future.

Organizer: Institute for Technological Futures (ITZ) and Institute of History (TIG) in conjunction with the interdisciplinary network of young researchers INSIST.

The human lifeworld is largely shaped by the availability of and interaction with machines. Questions about how the relationship between humans and machines has shaped, is shaping, and will shape in the future therefore give rise to manifold discussions - not only with regard to the consequences of technical developments for social coexistence, but also with regard to the ontological understanding of the "human" and the "technical" as well as the establishment of theoretical-methodological approaches and languages of description.

Framed by two keynotes by Prof. Dr. Gabriele Gramelsberger (RWTH Aachen) and Prof. Dr. Martina Heßler (HSU Hamburg), the interdisciplinary junior research conference "Of Humans and Machines" is intended to open up various possibilities for linking up with current research and debates on the relationship between humans and machines.