Lecture: Family photos as a source of contemporary history

  • chair:

    Stadtseniorenrat Karlsruhe, Festvortrag: Familienfotos als Quelle der Zeitgeschichte

  • place:

    Rhode-Island-Allee 4
    76149 Karlsruhe-Nordstadt

    Vortragsraum, UG

  • sws:


  • Referent:

    Prof. Dr. Rolf-Ulrich Kunze

  • Zeit:


  • Quelle:


  • Lecture: Family photos as a source of contemporary history

    Family photographs are by far the largest source of images both for the history of the family and for contemporary history in the 20th century. The lecture will demonstrate how to work with family photos in contemporary history, where the problems of this source genre lie and what special potential for knowledge they offer. In the case of family photographs, contemporary historians and interested 'laymen' can and should work together in an exemplary manner.

    Literature: Rolf-Ulrich Kunze, Das halbe Jahrhundert meiner Eltern, KIT Scientific Publishing 2015 (EUKLID Studien, vol. 8), 218 pp. [Free download as an e-book: https://www.ksp.kit.edu/9783731503606 ]; ders., Lehrbuch Familiengeschichte. Eine Ressource der Zeitgeschichte, Kohlhammer, Stuttgart 2018.